The Method
Exactly how does regaining your energy work?
The 5 Steps
Step 1
Setting Your
Focusing on your future and the life you actually want to live so you know the destination you are aiming for.
Clarifying exactly what you want your energy levels to be like in 12 months time.
Establishing your energetic baseline so that you can measure your progress​​​​​​​.
Time frame:
1-3 weeks
Step 2
Putting Your Oxygen Mask On First​​​
Putting the foundations of SELF Care & SELF Love in place so your body can begin to heal.
Shifting your focus and energy as you gain insight into how your unique personality traits, sensitivity, past experiences, trauma, values & beliefs all contribute to your fatigue
Having tools and techniques to support yourSELF that work for you.​​​
With awareness, understanding and support, you will put in place small changes that add up to a big difference in your energy levels.
By the end of 12 weeks, you will have:
tools and techniques that will support your body and make you feel better
begun rebuilding your body through nutritional therapy
started the process of handling emotions of past experiences
Time frame & typical energy changes:
3-12 weeks
+ 35%
Step 3
Expanding Your
Freeing your energy through SELF Expression & SELF Understanding.
Letting go of what no longer serves you - people, places, situations, and experiences from the past.
Time frame & typical energy changes:
3-6 months
+ 65%
Step 4
Stepping into the life you want to live with the energy to live it with Self Compassion & Self Worth
Time frame & typical energy changes:
6-9 months
+ 85%
Step 5
Stepping into the life you want to live with the energy to live it with Self Compassion & Self Worth​​​​
Time frame & typical energy changes:
9-12 months
+ 95%